Friday, July 17, 2020

Shocking Twists

When my grandson, Rowan, was a newborn, Sofia would clobber him. She did not appreciate sharing the limelight.

They are best friends today. I had my babies last night and as we were snuggling on the couch at the end of the evening, watching Mickey Mouse, Rowan would reach over and pull her hair over and over.

I would say, "No, brothers" over and over. Sofia didn't mind at all. She's crazy about her brother and will often run over to tickle him to make him laugh. She's very protective of him and they are crazy about each other.

Laid back, totally chill, loves to smile, laugh, and be held and snuggled, he's content letting his sister be the boss and he doesn't seem to mind finding another toy to play with when everything he touches, his sister takes.

Rowan knows their special snacks cupboard at my house and it makes me smile when Sofia walks through the door asking, "a sUrPrIsE fOr mE!" and Rowan walks to their snacks cupboard and reaches up. He doesn't talk yet and I like knowing when he wants something. Reminds me of my childhood, walking through my grandma's door and her saying, "There's pop in the frig and cookies in the cookie jar."