Monday, July 27, 2020

My 50th Birthday!

My day arrived and I am now 50 years old!!!!!!!!!

Before anything, the days before, the night before, and the morning waking up, thank you God! 

Thank You, that I am blessed and highly favored. Thank You for faith, health and happiness of my mom & dad, my daughters & my son-in-laws, and for my little crowns of glory, my grandbabies, who are my absolute joy! 

Thank You for my brother & family, and the church. Thank You for decades long dear friendships we share life with. For my beautiful home, my job, my goals accomplished, and all the attention I can handle. Oh, and the wisdom to smile at the handsome 30's somethings attention and shoo them away. Yes, it may be my birthday, but I am a grandmomma now. I prefer my age. 

A 4-day weekend, hot & sunny, perfect to run around, relax, have fun, and lots of celebrations.

Cheers to 50 and my list of 50 things to do for my birthday summer! You see, there are birthdays, birthday weeks, and birthday months. I'm making this whole summer about my turning 50 celebration.

To my younger self... turning 50 isn't dreadful at all. It's a fabulous new season in life! Pray like it depends on God and continue working like it depends on you! You are blessed.