Tuesday, January 29, 2019

My Stitches Are Out!

Okay, the 2nd worse thing to getting stitches is going to the appointment to get them removed. Ugh! It was probably 20 degrees this morning and I could feel myself sweating walking into the dermatologist office.

I'm grateful to have these little annoyances out of my back. Good news, the mole was benign. No cancer. Thank you, God!

I've always said it's interesting in life when something happens, those who step up and show extra support and those who you expect the support you, do nothing.

Those who stepped up: my mom was my #1 most vocal worrier and supporter and my immediate family are prayer warriors that I know prayed for cancer-free. My daughters, my mom & dad and my brother.

Those who I expected concern from, haven't even called to ask or see if the results are back. These friends, each of whom have had recent minor to significant health issues I have worried about them, prayed for, supported, checked on often, encouraged, and transported by car related to their health concerns. Not one of them remembered I had a questionable biopsy.

I am going to stop writing here before I write candidly the comments I'd really like to say. I’m ready to pull back my bow and release an arrow bullseye on a target of the self absorbed that know who to call in their prayer emergency. You know, the ones to don’t hesitate to ask for prayer, then where are they beyond an initial conversation of concern when it involves another persons life once their scare has passed?

Some do nothing but talk.

Good night, world wide web.