Friday, January 18, 2019

Weekend Snow Storm

It's all over the news, a snow storm is coming this weekend with 8-13" of snow tomorrow. That is music to my ears! 

I have worked every single day with no weekends off since January 2nd and I am so perfectly happy to be snowed in for a couple of days. 

In preparation, I went to the store last night to stock my house in meals that require oven-cooking preparation because I am in the mood to cook. I baked thick & soft chocolate chip cookies last night for a yummy treat to enjoy inside as I watch massive amounts of snow fall, from the comforts of home.

Netflix, wine, specialty teas, home cooked meals, the clubhouse, fitness center, pool table, this girl will be happy and content hibernating safely inside as the roads will be treacherous outside.

Snowstorms are beautifully (in)convenient, it just depends on your planning and perspective.