Sunday, January 6, 2019

Elegantly Simple

My first bridal show is coming up and I've been tasked with setting up a booth and creating a space to attract interested brides.

I currently have nothing and I have one week to pull fabulous together. 

Confidence is one thing. Creating a space when I don't know what competition I am up against booth-wise, with uncertainty of how much I am allowed to spend on top of an already really expensive booth fee, I am tapping into running out of time and while fully stimulated by the challenge. 

This could be a reality show competition.

I'm going for elegantly simple, the twin of the wealthy simply elegant. 

Where on earth do I begin? What key elements do I need to respectfully create a space? Taping into creativity I search for what I have around me. Okay, nothing. 

Thrilled to have a marketing department who created several pieces for me to use, I was able to make the necessary changes I wanted and tomorrow they go to print.

The focal point theme and inspiration for my booth came down to a fabulous fabric I found at a fabric store and an ornate mirror I was just given from one of my brides. 

I am going to create a space with a couple unique pieces that will capture ones attention as they are walking by. The very way I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw a basket of Amnesia Roses. 

My goal is to pique interest with a few stunning pieces and if I can do that on a fraction of the cost of not going to high end wedding rental company and use pieces I can use at my venue after the fact, I will have won at my own personal challenge.