Saturday, January 19, 2019

Winning at Hibernation

Yep, it has been snowing all day and I am mastering winning at hibernation!

No need to venture out, perusing Amazon Prime with a few clicks later, I ordered myself an electric fireplace with 3D flame for added warmth and toasty ambiance. I'm excited for it to arrive this week.

Caught between a delicious selection of hot teas, homemade cookies, Netflix, a good book and a nap, I seem to flutter from one thing to another. For dinner, I believe I am going to make an oven roasted turkey, loaded mashed potatoes, and green beans.

I could go down to the clubhouse and work out in the fitness center and bring back Starbucks coffee or see who wants to brave the elements and come over? Such decisions and choices to make on a winter snow storm day.

Hibernation tip #827: When your bed linens come out of the dryer and they are toasty and warm, instead of putting them on your bed right away, use them as blanket while watching Netflix and sipping a cup of tea.