Thursday, January 17, 2019

Smell This

"Here, smell this ..." my Dermatologist said as she handed me a cotton ball with alcohol on it to act as smelling salts. 

She could clearly tell by my face I wasn't doing well and I could feel the pressure in my head that I was heading down the path of passing out.

I had just had a suspicious looking mole cut out of my back and it required stitches. 

I have a secret fear of stitches. The last time I had stitches where I was awake was when I was probably 4 years old cutting an apple. I've had many surgeries through the years, but I was asleep during the surgeries and my doctors were gracious enough to always give me dissolvable stitches, until this week.

There is just something about your skin being sewn that makes me cringe inside just typing this. I don't do needles well and I never have.

So there I was a hot and sweating mess, ready to pass out.

It didn't end there.

I fell apart and I couldn't pull myself together.

Feeling overwhelmed, I was breathing so I wouldn't cry when it was over. It didn't hurt at all, it just unraveled my soul. Once I was in my car, I fell apart and I couldn't pull myself back together which is so unusual for me, because I can handle a lot.

Waves of emotions kept hitting me so I went to one of my favorite spots, the dock by the lake to gather myself together.

Life is funny, the moments where unexpected emotion overwhelms the soul when you are least expecting it. It caught me off guard.

When Mariah miscarried over the summer, I cried for weeks. My soul was overwhelmed. I still cannot talk about it without emotion and I can't even type this without needing a tissue.

A couple of stitches unraveled me. The frustration of not wanting to deal with the hassle of this suspicious mole, with a family history of melanomas, is inconvenient.

You know what else is inconvenient? These annoying little stitches I am not happy to be sporting around needs to be cleaned and covered every day.

Guess where it's at? My back. Exactly where I cannot reach them.