Thursday, November 12, 2020

Strength Training


One of my favorite things to do is attend the strength training classes at the gym. The instructor has a ton of energy and I started making friends my 1st day in class. Now it's fun to walk in and see familiar faces and chat. I love Monday and Thursday nights because of this.

The music is loud and I'm in my groove here. It's that pumping beat that pushes you harder and gives you the energy to keep up. The instructor shouting instruction into her headset so we can hear her, my muscles burning and my hair is damp from sweat. It feels amazing! 

For one hour we use body bars, free weights, an aerobic step, and resistance bands. 

Imagine my shock as I walk into class tonight and see a sign on the door stating group classes are cancelled effective tomorrow, because of the Governor. Are you flipping kidding?! 

We exchanged numbers so we can stay in communication and the instructor is willing to live stream classes for us until we get back together again, as well as meet with us one on one. 

I feel great and I am not losing momentum.