Saturday, November 7, 2020

My Grandson


The day Rowan was born and I learned he was a boy, I wondered what on earth I was going to do with a little boy. I didn't know how to be a grandmomma to a little boy. I had daughters. 

Little boys are so entirely different than girls. My Rowan has such a sweet and happy disposition, always smiling, with his pretty teeth and ice blue eyes. He doesn't care much for toys, but wants to play with everything else. A bag of plastic blue cups can be carried, cups pulled out that treasures go in, and thrown around. Territory conquered.

He found a new favorite chair in my home, one that requires a climb for him, but he can throw himself around on and bounce. Playing chase, which is always fun and for the record, no child has ever said, "I'm done, I'm tired" this chair became his safe zone, the one he runs laughing to.

He is snuggles and kisses, passive and playful, adventurous and all boy. 

Not to mention, very handsome...

My grandson calls me, "Ma" like Sofia used to do when they have limited vocabulary and he has the sweetest expression where he lowers his eyes and turns his head slightly when he feigns shy or his feelings are sensitive. 

I just pick him up and snuggle and kiss him.

When my house looks like a war zone, I've ran playing chase, and I need to gather both babies to wind them down, the kitchen sink is the perfect place. Nothing is more fun than water and getting wet. 

Children left unattended at Grandmomma's house will be fed snacks and treats, loved on, and sent home.
