Friday, November 20, 2020



There's 911 and there is S.O.S., 'CALL GRANDMOMMA!"

A facetime call came through and it was my pregnant daughter who had about enough with my sweet little angel grandbabies. "Mom! Look what they've done to my house..." She shared she made special cookies for them, they threw them. Little brother got into the cabinet and threw all the sweet potatoes, broke a lamp... little sister was screeching. 

She was sending smoke signals for help and I was laughing.

At the sound of me on facetime talking with my daughter, Rowan was wailing. If I am on the phone, he better be the one I am talking to. Wailing turned into instant raspberries as soon as he had the phone, he took off running with me for his alone time and conversation. He's 1 years old and doesn't say many words so I talk to him, we make faces and noises. 

Sofia grabs the phone from him [wailing begins] and she runs off trying to tell me about her day. She's 3 going on 13. 

"Bring my babies over!" 

I don't know what their mommy was talking about, because two sweet angels arrived happy at my house last night. Picking up special gluten-free cupcakes, we had snacks, played chase (this is where I nail my Fitbit steps after strength training), raced around my house in their car (Sofia in the car, Rowan on top laughing), Rowan loves the sink so put him in there with running water to play, we played in their bedroom I have for them here, and while Sofia wanted to play in her tent where she was sleeping and I had to knock which took her at least a minute to put on her slippers and answer the door annoyed [hey, this is the game she wanted to play over and over], little brother is full on WWE with her. 

Mommy may have needed a break from her babies, but my grandbabies needed a break from mommy, too. ha ha