Thursday, November 5, 2020

God Is In Control


This election has rattled me to my core.

I have very strong beliefs that I want to catapult far and wide, yet there is so much division, and I know I am not going to change a fool's mind with sound argument based on facts. A fool is a fool.

My family, my closest friends, my community, on the same side. It has to be this way, a divided house will fall. 

Talk about a nation out of control with moral boundaries completely removed. The news and social media filled with disturbing election updates, covid, and rioting. I can watch it to keep up-to-date or keep it off to retain peace. Disturbing my peace is not going to change what is already going to happen, so I choose peace.

The only thing that gives me peace is God is in control. He knows

What is supposed to happen, will happen; I do feel like it is the beginning of the end though.

I think of hurricanes, mass fires, tsunami's... complete devastations. What a better tool for God to use to get people to turn to him. In distress, people cry out. What we call a disaster, may be the necessary event God chose for free-wills to change their minds. This election feels just this, as if we are on the verge of complete devastation, people will cry out.

This great nation is on the verge of changing in ways we cannot even know. As more people turn away from God, which continues to grow becoming the majority, we are becoming a God-less and entitled nation... it will [it's already begun] crumble.

Abortion and late term abortions? That is sick on levels my mind cannot even wrap around. We all sin, but hurt a child? You better read what God thinks of that. Vote this is okay, you are guilty. Period. 

I'm not ready for life to change and there is a strong chance this great country will crumble. 

God is in control. 

God is in control.

God is in control.

This is my only peace of mind.