Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Love Letters

Love letters are a love language of legacy and memories. They are words that are not forgotten said in the wind that time questions, "What were those words? How was that said?" Or worse yet, forgotten.

This blog is life captured in love letters to my daughters. Printed into a book so they never forget.

I've captured memories, my heart, and my words to leave an imprint of all that is important to me in various ways. Maybe I was speaking a love language that was missing. Filling a void I needed, so I filled the void with my own words.

Writing love letters is a lost art. A hand-written note that can be tucked away and kept.

These are now mine.

Hidden love letters, left for me to find. An expression of the heart that speaks to me in my very own love language. And I already have a collection, for me.

Song of Songs is one of my favorite books in the bible. Words from a heart bursting in love describing his every thought of his beloved. The confidence of a man in love, the wisdom in saying words that speaks to her soul she understands.

Wrapping my own thoughts and mind around what I have poured onto others, that has now become my own and I just ran across this ...

A favorite quote of mine I've loved for as long as I can remember. 

When I wasn't even looking, the most beautiful things cross my path. It captured my attention and awareness. 

Thank you to the one who speaks love into me and for the most beautiful love letters. They speak to my soul.
