Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Beauty from Ashes

From career to career, I have been blessed with three weeks vacation off in between.

Week #1 consisted of Brooke being in Florida for Spring Break. An absolute welcomed time of solitude, peace and much needed silence, day trips and projects.

Week #2 consisted of day trips, day trips, day trips, projects, downtime, fun time, rest and relaxation.

Week #3 is seeing everything I wanted and needed to accomplish, accomplished. Brainstorming what I want to do next and doing that. Day trips, day trips and day trips and preparing for Easter.


A season for everything under the sun showered in blessings and time to acclimate and transition.

I have had time to relax, accomplish, have fun and do every single thing I've wanted to do in an unrushed pace. Is there anything I've missed? Any stone left unturned? No.

My finger on my pulse to make sure all is well and it is.

I am ready.

Nothing happens to me, everything happens for me.

I needed time. Time for so many things and for so many reasons I didn't even know until I had it. And as I reflect, I see myself being carried and transitioned in such a way that I couldn't have done it on my own.

God always and has always known exactly what I need. We don't necessarily have to step down so He can step up, He can in a breath take over at any moment, but it is so much more gracious to say, "Here, please handle this and shower it with blessings and favor." To be propelled into financial blessings gives me security beyond a leaf that blows in the wind from this place to that. God has always been my Provider.

He specializes in beauty from ashes.