Sunday, April 23, 2017

Little Eyes Looking Back

It was through pure amazement as I watched my grand baby open and close its eyes in the ultrasound this week. Looking right at us as if seeing us too, with eyes opening and shutting, I am capturing all the little details to carry with me for the next few of months.

Emotions of want, wonder and hope and love fill me with growing anticipation of my grandchild. When I believe my heart cannot be more full, another day, week and month happens and I continue to be amazed how endless the depth of love is.

Love is just like that.

Mariah is 25 weeks pregnant tomorrow. This week I was included on her ultrasound appointment and it was my first glimpse at this very active little one. It was as if I was watching a dream on a screen. This little one happy and content in my daughter moving all over.

Rest up now, baby girl, your little one very well may be just like YOU!