Tuesday, September 30, 2014

"How Was Your Day?"

So many significant things happen every day; yet, every morning starts the same way.

A beloved pot of coffee for the comfort of familiar, its aroma and all things caffeine for energy. My windows open, my day open and me ready for the million different directions it can take me.

David and I were sitting on the patio swing last night having a glass of sweet tea when he asked, "How was your day?"

So many things happened and situations flood my memory and I'm certain I forgot details.

  • My day started off in an unexpected twist of meeting a major donor where I ended up taking a fabulous tour of a meat factory before I went to work.
  • I was pulled in no less than 10 different directions when I walked into the rescue mission, which means my day started off normal. Staff laughs and thinks its funny and sometimes I laugh because the high-maintenanceness of it all makes me laugh or get frazzled.
  • Monday's my mom comes in and volunteers.
  • Large donations come in, daily meal menus are adjusted to accommodate fresh produce before it expires.
  • Staff personality conflict mediating is a daily occurrence. 
  • Due to large donations, I was able to share with a significantly smaller local meal ministry extra food for their growing numbers.
  • I provided warm blankets for one of my homeless dinner guests who sleeps outside.
  • I searched through our medical kit for ointment and gauze for another dinner guest who is having severe skin issues.
  • I whispered into an angry dinner guests ear (a very large young man), "Stop with the trash mouth right now!" To have him respectfully whisper back, "I'm sorry, Miss Dawn." Before he left I witnessed him help clean off other tables, something I have never seen him do.
  • Our security volunteer was sick so I handled crowd and dining room control at the end of the month with three sittings.
  • Looking outside to see how many were outside for the 2nd seating, I spotted a dinner guest I haven't seen in months intoxicated as usual, but I let him in and just watch to make sure he behaves. Teary-eyed and slurring his words, he asks to talk and wants help. His lifestyle is a hard one though he contributes to it by being an alcoholic. I feed, listen and am their go-to person for so many in this situation.
  • A volunteer I haven't seen for a few weeks says hello on his way out and I learn he has been in the hospital, suicidal. We speak for a few minutes about this and he asks if he may come back and volunteer again? Absolutely. He enjoys volunteering, giving back, the work, appreciation, a good pot of coffee, good food and amazing desserts.
  • 20 minutes before we close for the day a former shelter resident, now dinner guest come to dinner a 1/2 hour late. I use my mom finger and told him he knows better, sit down and don't do it again. He walks in my office before he leaves, hugs me and says, "Thanks me for always being so good to me."  Then, asks for some chocolates. This large boy instantly looks like he's 5 years old.
  • Conversation with a church volunteer ends up actually being a Board member that I was not aware of. Me, glad I had that extra moment to thank her for her volunteering and answer her questions in conversation prior to learning who she was.
A normal day at the rescue mission.

Relief when I pulled in my driveway and there sat on the front porch David, Brooke and Sammy Blue.

David spent stolen moments of his day excelling in words of affirmations and flirting with me via text. He know my love language and makes my love bucket overflow.

I am always to glad to come home.