Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Brooke is thriving as a high school Freshman.

She likes each class, is speaking Chinese and found her niche in Gamer's Club.

She likes to be dropped off as early as I am willing and sips Frappuccino's for lunch to look cool and get a caffeine boost.

She adores boys with black flippy hair and has met some really neat guys that like her unique style.

I call them the "flavor of the month" club because she is like a little girl in a candy store, always a new cute boy to meet.

There is one who she is completely googly-eyed over!  He is a Senior, cute as he can be, impeccable manners, sweet, thoughtful, has a job and drives, which is a whole new world and the next level of a young man for her.

He is a fantastic kid and I am impressed with her choice. She likes nice boys, smart and a bit nerdy. They went to church together and we all adore him.

Though she is too young to date, I will always encourage excellent choices and good decisions, giving her approval for good choices and not frustrating her that pushes her into a dysfunctional direction.

I still have the final say, so I allow her to blossom under healthy watchful eyes.

Brooke was bursting with excitement the other day, over the moon excited about Alex. She was sharing all his attributes when she was trying to say how wonderful he was and she came up with the neatest analogy ...

"He is my David to my mom," she said in grand crescendo trying to explain her excited heart.

Possession. Admiration. The bar set high.

Her grand compliment and it opened my eyes that she admires what she sees that I have, the bar has been set high and an example of a relationship of excellence.

My relationship is her normal after 1-1/2 years. She witnesses love, tons of affection, healthy activity, quality time, hobbies and shared interests, laughter and playfulness.

If her normal is the bar set high, I can only hope she patterns her own future relationships in her familiar normal.