Thursday, September 18, 2014

Get Back on the Bike!

Much like the old adage, "Get back on the horse that threw you," and get back into the habit, I had to get back on the bike!

My body and muscles actually ache not using them in the capacity I had been doing (riding 3-5x per week) and it has been 1-1/2 weeks since I had been on my bike due to the sun going down earlier and my body fighting the same cold symptoms many are suffering with.

Ahhhhh, Wednesday, my early day off!  Sunny and very low 70's I had two options when I walked in my door feeling tired and sluggish (because that's what happens when you do no form of exercise):

  • Mow my grass
  • Ride my bike
I felt like me again slipping into athletic clothing and as I swing my leg around and sit on the bike something in my brain shifts and I embrace the magnificent.

Muscles that work together and the power that moves us by choice.

Muscles that begin to feel in use begin to create more energy and released in my body is stress.

After a short 8.2 mile ride down by the beautiful lake waters that makes me feel as if I am on a vacation, I felt like me again.

Speaking of embracing magnificent, Mr. Magnificent walks through the door and lets me know he ordered us lights for our bikes so while the sun continues to go down earlier, we don't lose our momentum, our routine, our habit, exercise and our athletic together lifestyle.

In Ohio seasons will continue to change. We simply have to be willing to have the determination and energy to adjust and change routines with the seasons.