Friday, September 26, 2014

"You Are Worth It"

David is a "fix-it" kind of guy + a technology guru which = he is the king of all things technology and toys.

#1 - The sun is going down earlier and our evening 
bike riding has been eliminated. 
#2 - Both of us are not happy losing our summer
 momentum and passion for biking.
#3 - Both of us feel sluggish not biking, hiking, and all 
things outdoor adventure 4-5 days per week.

Excited, he presents me with my our new headlights and taillights for our bikes and 800 lumens means we can ride when it is dark. 

I ask out of curiosity how much the headlight was looking pretty fancy, $25, $50?

Nope $180.00. Each!

He only buys the best and I present my case that again, he doesn't have to spend that kind of money on me.

Very matter of fact he states, "You are worth it."

It is not about 'things', but about the way he loves me, provides well for and does all the things that he does not have to do. 

It is a 1st in my life and I am a very lucky girl.