Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Well Said!

The Executive Director of the rescue mission requested my Meal Ministry report to present to the Board.

Offering new topics for every report, I am not one to restate previously said topics. Monthly financials has statistically proven I have reduced the "cost per meal" by $.12 beating the previous years growing average; in addition, the numbers of dinner guests has drastically increased (1300 meals more on average per month).

Competitive-nature'd me could not be more excited!

I meet with our Accountant monthly to review, glow and do happy dances over continued outcomes.

My email to the Executive Director:

I have an addition to the Meal Ministries Board Report, that may sound braggadocious, but it shows great progress!  


Respectfully submitted,

Executive Directors email reply:

It could have been thought periphrasis by some or even tendentious but never braggadocious. In fact, I dare say you would have been pusillanimous not to put it forth.

Well said and in my mind I have a new found respect for his wit and grammar usage, even if I have to refer to for translation.