Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Lesson Of Love

As a mom who loves her daughters, I will presevere and remain strong & steadfast with each and every obstacle that comes our way. May I have grace and purpose in spite of difficulty to turn each situation into a learning lesson of love.

Yes, I was stunned to see the words "love you" received in my 12 year olds text message from her new boyfriend. She was playing XBOX live with the boy when I told her it was time to get off for the night.

Listening from upstairs (something I never ever do!), I want to see if it is said verbally and *voila* there it is, "I love you, too."

WOW. Unprepared. How am I going to deal with this.

Honestly, I didn't see this coming. Statistically, I do know that inappropriate behavior early on leads to really inappropriate behavior in just a few years. She is 12 years old and such a good girl. This boy is crazy about her and is free with his emotions, but this mom is establishing healthy boundaries for them both.

Two weeks off of electronics should cool things off a bit. Lengthy conversations with Brooke regarding appropriate behavior at 12 years old as well as the importance of saving "I love you" for the right time were discussed thoroughly.

So thoroughly that she had to write an essay in her words on:

  - What are acceptable communications with a boy at 12 years old?
  - Why saying "I love you" is special and not to be thrown around carelessly.
  - Healthy boundaries w/electronics (texting/XBOX) and social media (Facebook).

I can prattle off "rules to live by" to her, but I want her to think deeply about appropriate behavior at 12 years old and explain it to me.

Every obstacle is a learning opportunity. As my daughters get older, their risks get bigger.

I have an arsenal of "what's going to happen next" for whatever comes their way and I will not be worn down by each battle.

I love them more than I punish them and what happens with every obstacle that we cross, their hearts are broken and their spirits crushed.

May they find comfort in knowing that this mom means business and I will out last them in every challenge on earth and will wage war against spiritual warfare as an intercessor on their behalf in the heavenly realms.

I am more than capable and ready to run to the battle line any day for them.

I am their personal prayer warrior.

I am their mom.