Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Hits the East Coast

The news warned us for days that Hurricane Sandy was on it's way and they call her the "perfect storm."

This storm is a tropical hurricane, that will combine with the first winter storm in decades, all on top of a full moon which will increase ocean activity on it's own.

Her impact is up east coast of the Atlantic Ocean, hitting the mainland in New Jersey last night with storm effects, power outages, school and business closings throughout northeast Ohio already this morning.

I am prepared.

I am ready if we lose power in our home for a couple of days.

My dad came over yesterday and we hauled all my patio furniture and outdoor items into the shed.

I'm stocked with cases of bottled water to drink.

I've filled the tub, my washing machine and two 5 gallon water containers with water to use to flush toilets for days. That's important!

My car has a full tank of gas with back-up gas cans filled in case we would need to drive west for electricity.

Our home is stocked with food that doesn't need cooked. Although my gas grill will provide a hot meal.

Plenty of unscented candles are on hand.  I learned years ago during a power outage that having too many scented candles burning will give me a raging sinus headache.

A trip to the library provides me with books for days of reading entertainment.

Laundry is washed.

Showers were taken last night as the storm started to pick up. I feel last minute showers are important too feel clean as long as possible. "Brush your teeth," I tell Brooke.

Our fireplace will provide necessary heat.

All cell phones and necessary electronics are charged.

Schools are closed. Cleveland, Ohio is under a major power outage and power outages are reflected in counties and our county on the news around us.

For now, we still have power, thank you Jesus!