Tuesday, October 9, 2012

I Said You Are Going!

Somewhere between the movies, "Because I Said So" and "Georgia's Rule" lies my outburst, "I said you are going!"

Not said in a gentle tone; rather, shouting in a tone that translated into this mom means business.

Brooke would never ever leave the house if I didn't make her. All summer I asked her to go on a bike ride, go to the park with me, to go swimming, and in desperate measures I would bribe her with taking her out for ice cream. Brooke simply doesn't care for any of it.

She loves being home. She doesn't want bothered and happily encourages my running around as long as I don't ask her to participate.

The good news is I don't have to worry about her safety out and about. 

Mariah has been wanting to go see the movie Pitch Perfect and yesterday they enjoyed Columbus Day off of school.

The movie Pitch Perfect is very musical, right up Brooke's area of interest with singing. Normally, I take these moments to have my one-on-one time with Mariah, but I knew this movie would be fun for the three of us. I was thinking the movie, out for ice cream, then hiking in the Bog. A fun day off of school with my girls.

I gave Brooke a 30 minute heads up that we are leaving for the movies. For 30 minutes she followed me around the house looking miserable and begging to stay home, she volunteered to clean the whole house while we are gone (really, do you loathe leaving home that badly?), she encouraged a "date" day with me and Mariah, and the persuasive arguments went on and on and on.

Never do I have to raise my voice, but I snapped after 25 minutes! "I SAID YOU ARE GOING!"

The three of us sat in the movie theatre laughing through the whole movie. Walking out Brooke said, "That was the best movie I have seen in forever, I would like that dvd for my birthday."

This mom knows a thing or two.

Forget ice cream and the walk in the Bog afterwards, both girls wanted to go straight home.

I wonder if either of them plan on moving out someday.