Wednesday, March 17, 2021

"yOu'Re mElcOmE"


I leaned down to kiss her chocolate covered lips from her hot fudge sundae when I said, "Thank you for letting me come over today and play with you!" My sweet Sofia gave me a chocolate covered kiss and said, "yOu'Re mElCoMe!" I love that... you're melcome. 

There she sat in all her 3-year old glory with her Happy Meal + toy + hot fudge sundae + apple juice. It's everything perfect when you're 3. 

We wait until little brother is taking his nap and her & I run to McDonald's for her special treat. Placing our order she said, "i'M sO hUnGrY gRaMmy, mY tUmMy iS gRoWlInG aNd iT sOuNdS lIkE a fRoG!" 

Let's just say, at her saying she is hungry is the magical words to getting ANYTHING she wants. It's like pressing the emergency button in my heart. 

She has food at her house, but we played for a few hours and she was having fun not realizing she was hungry until she smelled McDonalds when we pulled up. 

A frog in her stomach and chocolate lips, I am a fount of grandmomma snuggles & kisses.