Sunday, March 21, 2021

Game Changer


Everyone asks, "How is it going online dating?" I believe most are surprised by my answer, it went surprisingly and shockingly well. Honestly, I met some genuine, great guys! What most surprised me is how ready 1/2 of them are for an exclusive relationship with me, right now. I am standing on the brakes trying to slow them down. 

My date card full, I canceled my account early. I don't have time to date all the guys I am dating now and new messages fill my mailbox every day, so I shut it down. 

I'm exhausted. Dating takes strategic planning and little sleep from late nights, but I have had the best time. Each guy is so totally different from the other and three of them I absolutely adore and enjoy. 

But, there is one. The one I know could be a game-changer. And, he's crazy about me.