Saturday, March 6, 2021

"A" Game


To be perfectly honest, I go in and out of the decision on dating. I had every intention of enjoying a relaxing vacation, then coming home and open up to online dating. While I prefer this to be organic, winter is quiet and not much is going on. 

Voila! Let's test the market...

I should probably quit my job and full-time date. The first morning I woke up to over 100 messages. The next day over 100 messages. This is the trend, all ages and they come near and far and I cannot keep up. I average 50-100 new messages a day. I cannot search for what I want, because notifications pop up every few seconds. I cannot read my messages, because the page with all the messages flashes with constant new incoming messages. It's like wondering if you are a little thirsty, then have to drink out of a firehose. 

It isn't that I am so amazing... I think it's just that people are nestled in for the winter, the pandemic, and this is easy.

The age category that I prefer is 48 to 58 years old. 

Let me talk for moment about the "A" game. One's "A" game is used in reference to performing to the very best of one's ability:

30'somethings - For the record, I am NOT interested in someone in their 30's. I have this conversation often. These guys are relentless! They are handsome, sweet, charming, funny, all about selfies, quickly turn topics into physical and at my candid comments they are simply too young... they turn up the heat! I smile and laugh all day. This generation seems to want to nose-dive into a relationship. These young "hunters" are doing exactly what they are created to do, hunt. 

40'somethings - This generation seems to play it a bit cooler. They are in a generation where they have time so they take a too relaxed, lazy-dating, and cool approach. They think a "Hi", a heart, a smile is enough. Silly boys... have you met the 30's somethings and 50'somethings? 

50'somethings - My preferred generation. The "A" game is different. They are established, secure in who they are and fine tune the quality of conversations. Thank you! Funny and charming with a healthy flow of stimulating communications, they have strong initiation, and secure prime date nights with well-planned out dates. There are some really good looking guys, too. I'm so super pleasantly surprised. 

I cannot keep up with all the messages and I don't even try to. Sometimes after a few minutes I log off and step away. I have a core group of about 20 that fits a lot of the criteria I am interested in. This reminds me of the summer I dated 13 guys at once. I know, that sounds awful, but... I was honest, I wasn't looking for a relationship at the time, just casual dating and fun. After a few months, I cut the group in 1/2 according to their age, and let the younger ones go. 

That's where I'm at now. I'm not looking for my forever, because I feel it's like finding enough qualities and forcing it into a relationship. I am dating to have fun. I have zero expectation that someone on here will so wildly capture my interest that I don't want another. You know, the one I cannot imagine my life without. 

For now, it's crazy entertainment.