Sunday, April 5, 2020

What On Earth?!

The Coronavirus pandemic is putting a serious cramp on those who had their hair and nails done on a regular basis.  

It's been a few weeks and I've heard and read many comments where ladies are panicking because they need major touch-ups on their hair and I'm guessing their fake nails are starting to grow out. 

One person I was talking to was sharing how she pays $60 every 3 weeks to have her roots touched up and over $100 when it's time to do her hold head of hair. "WHAT ON EARTH?!" 

She mentioned she is using a touch up spray product to cover her roots her beautician recommended. "Yea, I bet!" Here, use this touch-up product to get you by until she's back in business.

Ladies, I've colored my hair every 6-8 weeks for 22 years. For only $7.99 per box Loreal Excellence does a great job. You can even use it to touch up your roots. It works on brown hair (me) and it works on blond hair (Brooke). 

I'm flabbergasted. I dread the every 6-8 weeks hair coloring process I do in 30 minutes in the comfort of home, I cannot wrap my head around the time and the money spent every 3 weeks. 

Perhaps it's time to ditch the fake nails, too. 

I am guilty of looking at what types of food people buy in grocery stores. You know, looking in the grocery carts around you while in line at the check out. I confess I glance at a good looking guys finger to see if there is a ring, and while salons are shut down, I will definitely add looking at ladies nails to see who's struggling. [I'm sorry, that isn't nice, but it is funny and I will be looking].

At the beginning of this pandemic when stores started running out of toilet paper, I stocked up on hair color and lipstick. If the stores were ever to shut down, I will still look like me.