Monday, April 6, 2020

Month #1 on Keto Diet

Two ladies on my team at work, both close to my age, shared separately they were on the Keto Diet. I've heard of it, but had no idea what it was. One had lost 80 lbs., the other 120 lbs. and I was stunned! Stunned they both had lost that much weight, because I have only known them since their weight loss for the last 6-9 months.

In 3 months I turn 50 years old and it makes me laugh. Of course I want to turn 50 years old in a really good place and be healthy and strong for my grandbabies. Thus, why I began my Keto Diet experience.

It was one month ago today that was my first day at my Mom & Dad's place in Florida after my conference. I read the Keto book on the way down on the plane to understand what this is, how does it work, and how do I do it the right way.

One month ago today, I didn't go 100% Keto; rather, 75% because I was making better choices, but I was still on vacation. It was when I returned on the March 10th when I started going hardcore. In the 3-1/2 weeks I've been doing this faithfully, I'm THRILLED to share I've lost 19 lbs!

This graph is from my Fitbit shows my resting heart rate before Keto and now.

I feel amazing! My energy level is even and constant. Having hypoglycemia, I haven't had a sugar crash, increased heart palpitations, or any of the usual learned-to-live-with side effects. There are so many health benefits cutting carbs and sugars and I think the one thing I never expected is that I'm not hungry. 

In fact, I am doing 16 hour intermittent fasting, too. My meal hours are really say 12:00 - 5:30 p.m., but I do have a bone broth & collagen protein shake around 9:30 a.m., so technically I'm only fasting 16 hours. Without the morning protein shake, it would be 18 hours of intermittent fasting. 

Here's the thing, as long as I am losing at this rate and feel great, I like my morning shake. I put different combinations of almond milk/water, avocado's, almond butter, and cinnamon and Chia seeds in it. Bone broth (lol), that messed with my mind the first several days. It just sounds gross, but now I look forward to it in the morning. 

I've never done anything like this that makes so much sense. The book Keto Diet by Dr. Josh Axe is the BEST first step if you are interested. I did find a Keto recipe book with fabulous recipes, which is a must when you are cutting out carbs and sugars so you don't feel deprived, you have all new recipes to enjoy.

My plan is to do Keto hardcore until I turn 50 then go into the cycling plan where you go off the Keto Diet every 3 days. It's a lifestyle change for certain, but the benefits are so worth it and when you understand the healthy benefits and logic behind this you're really giving yourself good health just by your daily choices on the food you eat. Food is medicine. 

One month down, three to go to 50! Yayyy!