Friday, April 17, 2020

Pandemic Quarantine

This is a season in life that will pass. Everyone has felt it's impact with nationwide and worldwide quarantine and my heart goes out to the millions of unemployed people and businesses greatly impacted. The magnitude of it's ripple effect will be felt for some time.

Being still is a time for rest. What a challenge for those who don't know how to be still. For me, quarantine feels like a continuation of a January winter, when it's so cold out and dark early, you don't want to go outside. I can handle this and I've found enjoyment in slowing down for a while. 

Having two days off in a row is nice. Not working excessively is nice (although I am a workaholic by nature and I like it that way, too). Having time to do projects I haven't had time for at work has been productive and having time to binge watch favorite new shows at home has been enjoyable.

I'm blessed I am still working and that both my son-in-laws are still working. I am blessed my family is healthy and well. I'm blessed I am in a home by myself where another's constant chatter, their stress or emotions doesn't affect me. I like quiet and I like be by myself.  

The Governor is talking about re-opening businesses and people are ready to burst out of their homes like spring emerges after a long winter. I get it. 

There is a season for everything and the best thing about seasons is that they constantly change, and this season in life will change, too. The secret is to learn to be content in all things and while your in this season, learn something new and make the most of it.