Thursday, October 18, 2018

New Flatwear

It's probably safe to say my flatwear is at least 15 years old. I've been looking, not looking, but have kept my eyes open for the last several years for the perfect flatwear. A new look.

With Brooke & Alex moving out in less than a week, it was time to search. 

Looking in high end stores for quality flatwear I was willing to invest in, it was frustrating that it all looked similar. Sub par similar. So I go online and search through hundreds of settings. I just need to find the one.

And I see it. So unique, it caught my attention in a "nobody has this at all look." In fact, every site I went on I couldn't even find a review on the 65 piece set. It was a risk, so I ordered it and it arrived today.

It's perfect. It is prettier than I hoped. It's so elegant and it just matches the look of my decor. I'm so grateful I didn't settle for what the stores offered. 

Washed and in the drawer, I do admit I keep opening the door to admire them. The former set is boxed up and ready to move with Brooke. 

Now I need to host a dinner party!