Monday, October 29, 2018


One of the memories I hold near and dear to my heart were my visits to my grandmothers house in the mountains of Virginia. Waking up in the morning to the fabulous scents of a homemade breakfast being cooked just for me and how happy she was that I was there.

I want Sofia to love the scents of my home when she is with me and for her to confidently know in her soul she is deeply loved.

Little Miss Sunshine spent the night last night.

Bright-eyed and happy in her jammies, there is much to do. We made french toast together and she seemed to really like it.

She likes to investigate and be a part of everything ... and I let her.

Blessed are the curious,
for they shall find adventure.

A sweet moment captured of her kissing the baby in the mirror.

It's hard to believe another grand baby is on the way. I have a pregnancy app on my phone that gives me weekly updates as to the development of my grandchild. At 9 weeks, so much is happening. What a miracle life is. 

My sweet baby is coming back over this evening and I just took a cake out of the oven. She's pretty happy here.