Saturday, October 27, 2018

Comfy at Home

I ventured out today to get a new book. There is something so comfy about being at home with a book, a soft blanket and a favorite mug with a hot beverage. I'm really into coffee, hot apple cider and hot teas right now.

The traffic. Get me home! It's like pre-Christmas shoppers out there on the roads and parking lots are full at every store. I could barely get to the highway by the mall due to traffic. Maybe because it's cold & rainy outside or perhaps people just don't know what to do anymore than search for more stuff.

Me, I'm almost done Christmas shopping!! :D

Making my Christmas list months ago and picking up things as I go so I don't have to use a credit card and thanks to Amazon Prime, I am almost finished.

It's been a year since I've used a credit card. It was a goal to see how long I could go without an impromptu purchase I didn't have money set aside for and the months have rolled into a year. If you want to form a new habit, I highly recommend ditching credit cards.

At the book store today the sales clerk at checkout acted as if I was nuts to pass on their credit card because I would have saved $8.00 today. [Eye roll] I can see she was passionate that I was missing out on an excellent deal, no thanks.

My girls don't use credit cards either. Both are really against them thanks to Brooke's Dave Ramsey finance class the high school offered and Mariah & Jeremy following Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace.

Curled-up moments are not for daydreams only. They are intentional moments of rest and relaxation and I for one am going make a cup of hot apple cider, curl up on my comfy chaise snuggled up under a warm blanket and open my new book. Guilty confession: with my neck massage on as I read.

Stay safe out there.