Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Her Last Night at Home

It's all you've known for decades, then it changes.

Brooke & Alex got the keys today to their new apartment and it's so nice. The moving begins. The tough years of dreaming of this moment and it's here. I'm stepping into the light at the end of the tunnel of raising children into independent adults and as I look around at this unfamiliar territory, I wonder where the years went.

Tonight is Brooke's last night living at home.

Mariah is pregnant with my 3rd grandchild, my mom & dad are heading south for the winter, and I decided it was time and had about 8" of hair cut off.

My hair feels light and bouncy. It's always curlier with the weight of length off and I like it.

There have been so many changes in only a week.

I've done my job. I have been steadfast as I sat on the nest with my youngest still home and have provided and cared for them well.

This light at the end of the tunnel, everything is much brighter than I expected it to be. With my home sold, zero debt, literally everything paid off, I've bought all the new things I wanted and I have exactly everything I want. God is an excellent provider in my life and I am blessed in so many ways.

I'm entering another new season in life as my little birdie flies off and my nest is now empty.

Congratulations Brooke & Alex on your new home! I am so proud of you Brooke!