Saturday, August 11, 2018

"There's Food in the Kitchen"

I love to come home and have music greet me as I pull in to park. The realization of "Oh yea, today is the community pool party."

My neighbors at the pool enjoying the sunshine, playing corn hole, and as I walk through the front door of the clubhouse, greeted by the friendly staff. Josh says, "Hey Dawn, hope your hungry, there's food in the kitchen and drinks and beer in the refrigerator, come get something to eat!"

That my friends, is music to my hears.

I was caught in my two mile drive home from work wondering if I should grab something out or what I was going to make when I got home before I changed my clothes and head back out the door. While having a professional chef as a colleague and friend happily willing to make me anything I want, all I have to do is ask. Believe me, life hasn't always been like this.

Laughter, conversation, music, splashing, it's one of the many things I love about living here.

I still feel like I am on a resort vacation and loving the extra free time I have when I'm not working.

Getting to know many neighbors, I like the light & friendly conversations in passing.

How can it be August 11th already? Where did summer go? I'm afraid to blink.

Brooke and Alex are actively looking at apartments and as this has been the fastest summer in my life, I am going to be an empty-nester very, very soon.