Monday, August 20, 2018

Be Still

This is me nestled away in my favorite corner of my world. The sun is shining with a comfortable breeze, the wind chime playing a soft tune, my iced sweet tea & mint freshly brewed and a silent home. I'm healing.

Up through last night it was a 7 day work week, 55 hours of in office work and events, not including my at home phone calls, constant texts and emails of everyone who seems to need something from both country clubs. After the news this week, I'm not sure if too busy was a blessing, but I certainly need to rejuvenate.

Today is my Mariah's 23rd birthday and they should be here soon. Two fabulous cakes, presents for her and Jeremy (he turned 36 years on 8/18) and tons of snuggles and kisses for my Sofia. 

Thank you God for a small window of peace and quiet, to talk to You, and be still.