Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Arriving March 2019!

As I am absolutely loving life with Sofia, I have another GRANDBABY on the way! 

Arriving March 2019


Mariah and I spent the afternoon paddle boarding then out for sushi. At dinner, she handed me my birthday present and I opened this pretty photo of Mariah & Sofia. I said, "how cute!" Mariah said, "Mom, read Sofia's shirt" and instantly I knew. My heart gripped and I could barely read her shirt through tears, BIG SISTER. 

It's amazing how many thoughts and reactions can race through your mind in the only 1 second it took me to hear her words, process, react, and read the photo. 

My baby is having another baby and I couldn't be happier!

Everyone is worried I won't love this baby as close as I am to Sofia. Hypothetically, I wondered in my own mind. 

Hypothetical thoughts vanished the moment it turned to reality, I have another grandchild on the way and I am blissfully in love and wonder all the details I did when Mariah was pregnant with Sofia.

You don't have one heart of love, once depleted, your out. 

When you think your heart will burst so full of love, God says, here is another grandbaby and suddenly that much love is added onto an already overflowing heart of pure love & joy.

This grandmomma role is absolutely the greatest!