Saturday, June 16, 2018

Organized Simplicity

There are more benefits to downsizing than I had anticipated. Logically, I knew I would have a project on my hands making decisions of what to keep and what to release that simply is not needed or really even wanted anymore. It becomes stuff that junks up closets, storage rooms, a garage and a shed. I feel as if I will cast far and wide more than I anticipated and it feels amazing!

My dad asked me, "What are you keeping in your shed?" I have no idea what is in my shed? If I don't really know, believe me, it isn't important. There is only one item. My little wooden rocking chair when I was a little girl. I want it painted and freshened up for Sofia. That's it. 

I am only keeping what I really like, spring cleaning and unloading the rest to free myself of the weight of "stuff" that takes up space.

Light. Airy. Simple.

  • One of the beauties of downsizing is saving money on frivolous living. Stop wasting money on "stuff" used to fill space, bringing only what you need and really want into your living space.
  • Less maintenance and upkeep, freeing up your time for leisure activities, spending time with family and friends and getting more rest and relaxation.
  • From clutter to cozy.
  • It frees up your lifestyle for travel. A home requires a lot of work when you leave town and eliminates the clean-up when you return.
  • It opens a new chapter in life. Mine will be more community being poolside (my poolside family/friends full intentions list is growing by the numbers!), a clubhouse for gatherings with one special friend or a group of friends with drinks by the fireplace, relaxed & laughing in the movie theater or playing pool, a fitness center, and monthly community events for residents. It will be a destination to come to with a variety of activities. Warmly welcomed.
  • Splurge on a few key pieces playing up a smaller living space in beautiful home decor.
  • Get rid of the clutter and organize only what is essential.
  • Financial freedom. Debt is a heavy burden to wear daily and year after year. For most it is a normal way of life. Take off that heavy cloak, erase all debt and live free.
  • It's a new beginning.