Sunday, June 10, 2018

A Letter to Herself Arrived in the Mail

A letter arrived in the mail addressed to Brooke. We were in the living room when she walked in opening it and I asked who it was from? Her hand went over her mouth and she began to cry.

It was from her 5th grade teacher that mailed her a letter Brooke wrote to herself in 5th grade for when she graduates! What a wonderful and thought-filled gesture!

Brooke cried and said, "Look how sweet I was then, it must have been before. And I knew myself so well then, will you go out and celebrate or stay home?" Before her dad's suicide.

That was a teacher following through seven years later and I wanted her to know how much it touched our hearts.

I emailed her through the school website and shared with her how much the letter meant to Brooke and me. That graduation was a life milestone reached when many years my daughter didn't choose life. Her thinking-ahead with this project is appreciated and so worth it. I wanted her to know in case she was tired one evening writing out graduation cards, envelopes and stamping them. Wondering if it mattered.

It matters.

Less than 15 minutes later, the teacher replied and said she cried when she received my email. She shared her own son attempted suicide last November and she wants to make a difference. She gave me her cell phone number and asked if Brooke would please call her. She would love to take Brooke out for lunch, a movie, and spend time with her.

Understanding how fresh all her mom-trauma is, I replied back with my cell phone number and told her to call me anytime she needs mom support or a sounding board for her.

This card and letter is in Brooke's keepsake box.