Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Her Super Hero Cape

My sweet Sofia came over last night while her mommy & daddy had some things to do.

I was caught off guard when a few minutes after being dropped off she went from being happy and smiling to her little mouth turned down, the bottom lip pushed out and the tears began. I seldom ever hear her cry and I'm around a lot. She fusses when she's overly tired, but this was tears filling her eyes looking up at me in an "I'm hurting" cry. My heart broke.

Quick! Baby pain meds, her teeth are really hurting her. She was sleepy and a poopy diaper.

Aunt Brooke jumped for the baby pain meds, I can change a diaper pretty quick, snuggling with a bottle while kissing her soft cheeks calmed the storm. Ten minutes later she was back to 100%.

Great Grammy & Papa came over to see their sweet great granddaughter and little miss Sofia was loved on and entertained.

"Look mommy, at Grandmomma's house I get to relax in the tub while wearing my super hero cape and have a snack. Grandmomma doesn't care at all if I make a mess, I wash right off!"

Oh, Sofia, how much do I love thee? More than the stars in the sky and the fish in the sea.