Thursday, March 15, 2018


Today I tried Ultherapy as a more than happy volunteer during an all-day training session.

I am so impressed with this non-invasive procedure that lifts and tightens skin around the neck, chin, lower face and brows. The skin that thins and loosens with age. I see immediate results when the real results will begin to show in 3 to 6 months.

Here is a short clip of the procedure ...

It didn't hurt at all. In fact, it kind of felt like your foot does when it is completely asleep and you still must walk and that numb tingling sensation that you feel with every step until sensation flows again, like that.

My neck and lower face was lifted and it only feels a bit tender and will be slightly swollen for a couple weeks. Not noticeable to others, but I can tell. A $2500 procedure, free. 

Christie Brinkley is the spokesperson for Ultherapy. A classic beauty at age 63. 

Fresh and natural still, she is setting the bar high for 60's. 

Faith, a healthy lifestyle, and smart procedures ...