Monday, March 2, 2015

I Am Nesting

Twenty years ago, I had Mariah's bedroom complete, everything washed, hung and ready to go by the time I was seven months pregnant.

I would sit and rock in the glider in her room and dream of what life would be like as she was growing larger inside me and her movements brought joy and dreams.

Everything was ready. I was well-read, Lamaze classes underway and my home was prepared for my newborn to enter the world.

Fast forward twenty years later and I am nesting, again.

This time in anticipation of the birth of a new member in our home. A furry and purring family member.

Sammy Blue's death still makes me cry. My gosh I loved him.

Our home doesn't feel the same without his sweet, little presence and I long to feel his warm fur and life in my arms.

I am ready to bring another little one into my home.

After a lot of research I found a breeder out of state I am thrilled with. Sammy Blue was a Seal Point Ragdoll and on purpose I have chosen to go slightly different out of respect for not replacing him exactly and have chosen a Blue Mitted Ragdoll.

Momma Ragdoll is due this week or next ...

... and I am hoping she has a Blue Mitted male just like her.

Here is the daddy ...

Grieving for my handsome boy Sammy Blue is being replaced by excitement, hope, and a nesting mindset as I anticipate the arrival of a new family member.

At four weeks old, we can taking a road trip to see and chose our new little guy. At twelve weeks, he comes home.

Nesting is a ritual performed to prepare a home and ensure all is ready.

I am ready for this birth.