Sunday, December 14, 2014

A Picturesque Christmasy Day In My Heart

Sometimes I reflect and go back in curiosity to read what I posted I was doing one year ago.

I do comparisons as a check-point system that reflect change and continual growth. I cross reference where am I now versus where was I then and internally rate it to ensure life continues to move in the direction I passionately want for my life. 

Spiritually, I am in a much better place. Studying for lessons to share daily in the rescue mission, the teacher always learns the most. 

Although, reflecting back to one year ago today, I am sad to read I was much more vocal about God, but maybe that's because He comes up in my every day conversations in the mission. I pour myself out there; rather, than a voice on the world wide web.

I long for a picturesque Christmasy day in the form of a breathtaking winter wonderland outside that paints the picture of what the Christmas season should look like. Eyes-turned-to-heaven request will go up today. 

I have yet to slow down, become nestled in my home and turn on the Lifetime channel for an afternoon of Christmas movies and baking Christmas cookies.

I desperately miss my Sammy Blue. My heart longs and aches for my sweet, handsome, little boy.

One year ago, a few days later, I laughingly shared a glimpse of my friend Laurie (we no longer work together). I miss her and need to make plans to see her.

In the absolutely busyness of life keeping up with all my responsibilities and providing everyone's needs, I need to refresh myself and embrace this Christmas season in my heart. 

Check-point systems are good, because they bring to light where we are and allow necessary change to get back on the right track versus heading down a continued path in the wrong direction. 


It's a winter wonderland outside and the snow is coming down in giant soft snowflakes. The roads are covered in snow [not really safe for driving], I'm certain the stores are packed with Christmas shoppers, and I am nestled in my house on a picturesque Christmasy day.

Thank you Lifetime Channel for hosting one Christmas movie after another. My tree is lit, my home decorated, and plenty of holiday sweets to complement a hot pot of coffee.

Mariah is off having fun with girlfriends, Brooke is playing out in the snow, David is shopping, and Sammy Blue is sleeping peacefully. I'm cherishing all things quiet.

I am rich.

I have everything that money cannot buy ... my family, good health, a heart so full of love, a comfortable and warm home, and food we enjoy. Our needs are always met, our wants always attainable. I have peace, laughter, and want for nothing. I'm a very blessed girl. 

My life isn't perfect, but I have learned to be more than content in most all circumstances. 

Love is a choice I make and a quest that has been my driving factor in life. Happiness and gratefulness is the outlook that I focus on. Hope are my dreams tucked away safely in the compass of my heart leading me in this journey through life, and faith is my foundation for all things. 

To every one who reads my blog, locally and in countries all around this world, I wish you a very Merry Christmas. 

May your heart be filled with peace no matter what is going on in your life. Contentedness and a grateful heart for all you do have. Happiness and laughter. Faith in our very present God, hope in your heart, and love.

May you quiet your heart in the busyness of holiday hustle-n-bustle, keep Christmas in perspective, and remember exactly what the world is celebrating in less than two weeks, the birth of Jesus Christ. 

Tuck this away in your heart ... there is one thing this Christmas you can cling to, it is the guarantee of happily ever after as long as you believe in Him.

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. - John 14:6 NIV

Who is this God that sent his Son to us two thousand years ago? Who is this Jesus you must know to get to God in heaven?  Meet my God in 2014.

Merry Christmas