Sunday, November 9, 2014

Today Begins a New Day

I am convinced I thrive in sunshine, nature and outdoor activity.

Put me near water and something in me triggers the feel of vacation. On a biking adventure, the burn in my muscles, the appreciation of nature and an afternoon away with just David and I is the ultimate stress reliever.

Biking was our new hobby this summer and with appropriate bikes purchased, necessary gadgets added, our momentum was on the upswing as we found our niche on biking adventures.

Twenty pounds less and holding, momentum high inside I am screaming, "Noooooooooo!" at a long winter quickly approaching, cold weather and it being dark far too early.

Before the unravel of all my hard work, as my body aches for hours of outdoor physical activity, I simply have got to figure out how to keep my momentum high and enter the next stage of health and fitness.

There is something about wearing little clothing and sweating that strengthens the core of my mind.

I want this next level.

I want to fine-tune what I have started and be at a significantly better place when spring arrives.

Today begins a new day.