Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Unlimited Possibilities

It sounds significant, but you would be surprised to know the little things that are significant to me.

Let me explain ... I have always been that mom that secretly loves when school starts. I love the school routine where my girls go to bed early and when they are not eating me out of house and home while being human tornadoes.

I love mornings to myself and I don't get them in the summer.

Guess what I haven't had since Mariah graduated last May? Mornings to myself!

Our new routine is Brooke walks out the door for school and five minutes later, Mariah wakes up.

Mariah has been working a kiosk job at the mall, her work hours are later in the day. It feels the same when she was a baby, the moment my feet would hit the floor, her eyes would fly open. Never a moment to myself. Now, Mariah has a new job. Working days = up and out early right behind Brooke. Thank you, Jesus!

And I have taken a vacation day today.