Sunday, October 26, 2014

Now THAT's a Prayer

Sitting on the couch for a moment, Brooke was watch Bruce Almighty when a scene with Bruce (Jim Carrey) struggling on earth in his relationship with Grace (Jennifer Aniston) ends up in heaven after being hit by a truck. God (Morgan Freeman) appears and asks Bruce what he really wants. After a few feeble attempts with world peace, God calls him out sounding like a beauty pageant winner, then asks Bruce again, what do you really want?  Bruce admits he only wants to make sure that Grace finds a man that would make her happy ...

God: Grace. You want her back?
Bruce: No. I want her to be happy, no matter what that means. I want her to find someone who will treat her with all the love she deserved from me. I want her to meet someone who will see her always as I do now, through Your eyes.
God: Now THAT'S a prayer.

In true Hollywood style, Bruce finds himself miraculously alive in the hospital and his relationship with Grace rekindled and where it should be.

In true faith style, Grace continually sought God in prayer for Bruce and their best love story finally happened when Bruce came to the end of himself facing God and understanding pure love before everything could truly change.