Friday, June 29, 2012

A Semi-Proposal

The one that makes me fall in love between my ears ...

He says, "Why don't you move in (1 hour away) and live with me, I will take care of you?  Let's start the rest of our lives together? We can be one big, happy family and you can find a job here. We can get married a little down the road, but we have something special, I want to start living now and I do want not risk losing you ... "

I was speechless.  Really.

I love my life. I love the unknown. I hear his words and I love what he is saying.

Sudden. Unexpected. I think the word is blindsided!

"But I have to stay here for at least another year ..." I reply as I start tripping over my words. Quite honestly, I don't even know how to answer.

He wants to get together next week with our kids. He is ready to start forever now.  

Everything feels a bit out of control. How did this happen and how did it sneak up on me so suddenly?!

Fearless me, says throw caution to the wind and embrace the unknown. [For the record, forever with any man is the unknown!]  Sensible, logical, panic-stricken me says that I have time on my side as my most perfect excuse.

I am guilty of saying all the right words that got me into this situation, but that is because I stopped believing in it long ago, but I talk like a champ.

Last night my dear friend, Dawn, says to me, "What about the others?" Exclusivity.

Teetering on the verge of a couple potential relationships, I know that every choice I make can change the path of my life.

Someone who would have serious impact and say in my life, then call it forever?  Right now my hair folicles are tingling, I'm experiencing shortness of breath. Is someone sitting on my chest?

The one that makes me fall in love between my ears continues to impress.

I love the thought and adoration that he is ready for forever.

I love the thought that time is on my side.