Sunday, June 17, 2012

A Bittersweet Father's Day

Several days ago, Brooke made it very clear, she isn't going to church today to hear a sermon about fathers, she isn't celebrating Father's Day beyond appreciating Papa (my dad) and saying, "Happy Father's Day" to Uncle Jason, my brother.

She stays quiet and to herself today.

This is Father's Day #2 without her daddy, since his death 1-1/2 years ago.

My Mariah is celebrating what could be her dad's last Father's Day, due to Lou Gehrig's Disease.

Mariah didn't know what to get her dad for this special day, because he simply cannot do anything. I remember her dad likes candy so we go running all over town to several candy shops to make a candy bar. Though they will have to feed him his candy, it made a fun presentation of the little things he still enjoys.

A candy bar is all sorts of his favorite candy, put into different shape margarita and champagne glasses displayed on a large tray with party decor! 

Our holiday's always include my brother and his family. Yesterday my sister-in-laws father passed after 10 years of struggling with Leukemia. My nephew is 10 years old and this is his 1st significant loss in life. He is quiet today, too.

This Father's Day holds bitter moments for hurting hearts.

Sweeter moments are celebrating my dad, Papa.

 A 'Grand'father that is so loved for everything that he is to the three of us. God gave us the best because He knew we would need him.

Papa text us tonight to tell us to look outside at the rainbow across the sky... a message from heaven.

Happy Father's Day with love.