Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Electric Powers

He trains the best of the best to be their best. A call yesterday became low-level interrogation and verification, he is the smartest and the best. I already knew it. 

A training accident with electrical shock has gifted him with uncanny superpowers. Total confession, because this is bizarre, I was teetering hard on BS. Then he did it, again and again and again...

He can ask me a question, nobody knows, then looks me in the eyes (while I am focused on visioning something/someone) and within 20-30 seconds he knows the answer or the name. 

It started off as basic questions that I called him out on he could find given his extensive permissions. Then, it became questions he wouldn't know, couldn't know, one question only my mom could answer.

Sharing this with my mom, she said, "Absolutely, it's true. That she has heard of this many times!" 

He asks me a series of questions, leans close and looks in my eyes while I am focusing on the answers. He takes his every opportunity to kiss me as he is reading me. His natural ability to know what I am not saying heightens my want to communicate with him and my keen sense that I believe he has the ability to read me quite possibly without looking in my eyes. I am low-level testing this. 

It's beautiful to be known. It's extraordinary to feel enraptured by this man who is absolutely crazy about me.

After my interrogation yesterday, I gave him the heads up, and he was questioned the same. When asked the level of our relationship, he said, "Put it this way... I would do anything for her."

Only God.