Thursday, May 7, 2020


Welcome to my front door.

I needed to get the lawn mowed, flower beds cleaned up (this is a pretty massive project and they are 1/2 way done), and my new pots placed at my front door with hydrangeas. They are perfect!

A quick text from my new neighbor across the street last night, "Your vases out by your front door look fabulous! Oh my gosh, I love them and your flowerbeds look so good." It's nice to have a friend so quickly here. All the neighbors are friends and I guess they bake as gifts to one another at Christmas, which I think is really neat. It feels good to be surrounded by kind and friendly people.

My neighbor across the street from me is single, too. With many commonalities, our personalities clicked immediately, and it's fun to walk across the street for a visit.

Spring is a gift of life in bloom after a long winter. Being in a new home with incredible flower beds, I enjoying seeing what I have. Off my deck that wraps around the back of my house is a trellis through the side entrance with the layout:  a very large hydrangea bush, rose bushes, the trellis, rose bushes and a tulip tree. I cannot wait to see that in full bloom.

Phlox in bloom and several new plants I don't even know what they are. Everything is so pretty and honestly, it's more than I ever hoped for.

While I knew I would buy a house or condo, this home and property far exceeded my expectations. What a wonderful start to a new season in life. Happy almost 50th birthday to me!