Saturday, May 23, 2020

A Walk in My New Neighborhood

Rejoice! Events are re-opening June 1st and I thank God I sailed through this pandemic without job loss or base salary cut, which actually hit the corporate office. It truly shows my company values its employees. 

Rolling out a new marketing campaign yesterday in an industry that I have zero experience took off like wildfire! I like to tap into unknown territory and make it successful. This will be fun and mentally stimulating for me.

Oh my gosh, a 3-day weekend! Picking up flowers for my deck and my stunning new kitchen chandelier, I came home and went for my 1st walk in my new neighborhood. 

With lots of little blocks and different paths to take, the neighborhood is filled with pretty little houses and adult trees, which a huge plus. Very quaint. With trees lining the streets, flowers and flowering trees and bushes everywhere, it gives me the feel of Savannah.