Saturday, May 16, 2020

Eating Clean

Breakfast is typically a bone broth and collagen protein shake and on the weekends, sometimes I make breakfast.

Here's breakfast (on a small dessert plate) and a Dixie cup flower. 

Hearing Chipotle has a Keto salad, I was looking forward to trying it last night. Yuck! They call it a steak salad, I call it mystery meat. It was in the form of beef, but it wasn't steak. Everything tasted plastic, even their lettuce. 

It got me thinking, not eating out for months and eating strictly clean, processed food isn't enjoyable at all. Which is actually a good thing. Massive amounts of processed crap is consumed when you eat out. For those who eat out all the time, the waste of money on processed (unhealthy) foods is a lose, lose. 

Thanks to my neighbor, Sue, for the strawberries. She's on Keto now, too, and it's fun to try different recipes and share them with one another. We swap entrees, desserts and fresh fruit. She is in the same season as me in life and we have become fast really good friends with so many similarities. She's like being a friend with myself! 

Back to eating clean, I wonder how many people made best use of their time eating at home with new recipes and I wonder if they discovered how much money they saved not eating out all the time during quarantine? 

Just yesterday I said, I would rather take my money and invest it in furniture, decor, and flowers, then waste it on eating out. I never ate out much and yet I felt the positive financial impact of savings during quarantine. 

Have a good weekend, everyone!